
The Tulane University School of Medicine Student Clinic Council seeks to facilitate open communication and synergistic interactions among the leadership teams of student-run clinics located throughout the city of New Orleans. This council will strengthen the quality of the services each clinic provides to its respective patients, in the hopes that such improvements may better the overall quality of and access to healthcare for all members of the community utilizing those clinics. Such activities will also serve to further the education of those members of the medical school and New Orleans communities affected by the actions of the student-run clinics.


Establish a system to improve the efficacy of patient referrals/follow-ups between clinics involved in the council and other available resources in the community, whether through electronic medical records or other means

Promote respect and awareness for the respective operations and goals of each of the clinics involved in the council by encouraging discussion between leaders

Provide resources for clinic leaders to assist with problem-solving, the acquisition of supplies or other clinic needs, or for publicity/fundraising as needed

Encourage scholarship, education, and the engagement of the medical school community and other community partners through publications, presentations, or other activities

Maintain the autonomy of student leadership of the various student-run clinics while promoting synergy among leadership teams in hopes of strengthening sustainability of the student-run clinic infrastructure

Interact with the TUSOM Service Learning Council in order to assist in standardization of requirements and policies regarding student volunteers at clinics, as well as other campus groups as needed

Foster the discussion of quality improvement measures in order to define universal standards of quality care in the community that may be applied to the operations of individual clinics