Unity of Greater New Orleans

Address: 3222 Canal Street (Sacred Heart Apartments), 2222 Tulane Ave (Rosa F Keller Apartments)

Screening Clinic Hours: Select days, 12:30 – 5:00 pm

Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Tebbe

Contact Information: epersons@tulane.edu 


Unity is a dual-location health screening clinic. It was created in 2019 and lasted about three months due to the pandemic. It was founded again in July of 2022. This clinic serves two locations, the Rosa F. Keller Building and Sacred Heart Apartments. Unity serves individuals living in these apartments who have experienced long-term homelessness, many of whom are veterans. UNITY apartment complexes house individuals with low socioeconomic status and who need assistance getting housing without structural barriers. The clinics emphasize preventive healthcare and patient education, so we do regular health screenings for patients on a monthly basis. The patients are typically the same every month, so it is wonderful for long-term patient connections.


Emily Persons, Nicolette Tukiendorf, Joshua Linhuber

    • Screening clinic

    • Blood pressure screening

    • Glucose screening

    • Heart rate screening

    • Health Education

  • Scrubs (green preferred), close-toed shoes, stethoscope.

  • SITE 1: 3222 Canal Street (Sacred Heart Apartments)

    • Park using street parking in front of the apartments on Canal

    SITE 2: 2222 Tulane Ave (Rosa F Keller Apartments) and arrive by 2:50 pm

    • Park in the RFK parking lot, located before the intersection of Galvez and Tulane. The parking lot entrance has a large red gate, wait for the gate to open and park in the spots immediately to your left. The entrance is behind the building beneath the covered parking lot, and the door is the farthest to the left when facing Tulane Ave. Clinic leaders will be available to help guide new volunteers.